Five Nights at Freddy's Movie Review: A Fun and Flawed Adaptation

Five Nights at Freddy's Movie Review: A Fun and Flawed Adaptation

The Five Nights at Freddy's movie is a long-awaited adaptation of the popular video game series. The film follows a security guard who takes a job at a family-friendly pizza restaurant, only to discover that the animatronic animals come to life at night and become homicidal.

The film is directed by Emma Tammi, who is best known for her work on horror films like The Wind and The Nest. Tammi does a good job of creating a creepy and atmospheric world, and the film is full of jump scares. However, the film also suffers from some pacing issues and a lack of character development.

One of the biggest problems with the film is that it takes too long to get to the point. The first half of the film is spent introducing the characters and setting up the backstory, but there is very little horror in this section. The film finally picks up in the second half, but it feels like the filmmakers were trying to stretch out the story to fill a two-hour running time.

Another problem with the film is that the characters are not very well-developed. The protagonist, Mike Schmidt (Matthew Lillard), is a generic horror movie character who is mostly defined by his trauma. The other characters are even more underdeveloped, and they feel like they are just there to be killed.

Despite its flaws, the Five Nights at Freddy's movie is still a fun and entertaining watch for fans of the video games. The film is full of jump scares and creepy imagery, and it does a good job of creating a sense of dread. However, the film is also slow-paced and lacks character development.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the film's strengths and weaknesses:


  • Creepy and atmospheric world
  • Full of jump scares
  • Good performances from the cast (particularly Matthew Lillard)


  • Slow-paced
  • Lack of character development
  • Predictable plot

Overall, the Five Nights at Freddy's movie is a fun and flawed adaptation of the popular video game series. The film is worth watching for fans of the games, but it is not likely to appeal to a wider audience.

I would rate the film 6/10.